Wednesday, October 1, 2008

My Nana

My Nana, Betty Jane Southgate, passed away this morning. I wanted to take this time to thank her for being such a blessing in my life. I took my daughter to dance today and had a chance to sit in my car and reflect on some pretty amazing memories. As you may or may not know I grew up in a house just a few feet away from my Nana and Papa on a mountain-top in Colorado. Some of my best days were spent sitting in their garden sneaking sugar snap peas right off the vines and helping get the wood ready for winter. During the week before Thanksgiving my Nana would be baking like mad--there would be dozens of rolls rising under dish towels in front of the fireplace and the smell of orange zest from her famous orange rolls. I can see her now on Christmas wearing a beautiful long skirt, white blouse and her holly earrings, serving everyone date nut pudding and passing out gifts, while the Jackie Gleason record played in the background. Then there was Easter with handmade sugar eggs and giant egg hunts, when there wasn't snow or the dogs didn't eat the eggs. Fourth of July out on their porch while my Dad tried not to burn down the forest. She must have made dozens of doll cakes for her 6 granddaughters and specialty cakes for her 4 grandsons. All of us grand kids would tear up her back room playing and making haunted houses and trying to sneak a peek at Papa's latest painting. Their house was a wonderful place to be and it was tough when my Papa passed and we all moved on to new places. The Holidays have never quite been the same. But, I'm so grateful for the memories I created there and the traditions that I am now passing on to my own children.
I will miss my Nana but I know she is so happy to be with her Sweetheart again--she has missed him so much! They're together tonight and they're celebrating with their loved ones and with all those who they have touched over the years. I Love You Nana and Papa!

How I will always remember them!

She became a first time Great-Grandmother on October 4th, 1999 to my surprise Twins--I'm so grateful she was in the hospital to hear and see that one!

Here GiGi is celebrating Caden's birthday this past May. Caden held a special place in his heart for his GiGi--he was always the first to give her a hug and a kiss "Hello".

We Love You Nana/GiGi!!!!


Amanda, Jack, Corban, Gabe, Chloe, and Rigby said...

Those are such sweet memories! I never knew she was such a baking machine-although one might guess because of mom's cooking skillZZZ.

Unknown said...

Those are wonderful memories to have and truly reflect what a beautiful gift it is to have an earthly family. Best of all we KNOW that although the separation is difficult, it is only for a season. Sorry I have not been monitoring the blog site as I should. Miss you guys and may God bless and lift you up in these trying times.



Deb'nDJ said...

Wow, what an amazing tribute to an amazing woman! I just lost my Grandma this last Sunday. So it was neat to read your sweet words to yours. Thanks!